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.NET Tracer getting started guide🔗

This guide explains how to use the SandboxAQ .NET Tracer to obtain a cryptography trace from a .NET Core application on Windows.


Before using the .NET Tracer, make sure you’ve followed the installation instructions.

You’ll also need a .NET application that you can run in a terminal.

Tracing the application🔗

Navigate to a directory where you have write permissions. In this example, we’ll use C:\path\to\output\dir.

For the rest of the guide, you’ll need to launch a PowerShell session to input commands.

To set up the environment exclusively for your application, run:

$env:CORECLR_PROFILER = '{cf0d821e-299b-5307-a3d8-9ccb4916d2e5}'
$env:CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH_32 = 'C:\path\to\cs_dotnet_tracer_32.dll'
$env:CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH_64 = 'C:\path\to\cs_dotnet_tracer_64.dll'
$env:CS_OUTPUT_DIR = 'C:\path\to\output\dir'

Next, run your application with a command similar to:


When your application has finished executing, the directory you chose earlier will contain the generated trace and log file(s):

├── trace_2022-05-20-13-53-48-528-355222.cst
└── log_2022-05-20-13-53-48-528-355222.log

Refer to the API Client documentation for instructions to upload a trace.


The .log file is for debugging only and shouldn’t be uploaded.

Refer to Configuration in the .NET Tracer reference for details on tracing .NET Framework applications, using the tracer on Linux, and for a list of available parameters.